Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Who has been to Paris? Rome? Venice?  Well, I have not but have DREAMED of going for as long as I can remember.  And this year I have had a number of friends vacation in these places and the travel bug has hit an all new high Operation Gladiator (inside joke due to my love of the movie Gladiator) starts, lol.  I turn 40 in 2014 (wow!!) and have decided I am going to do everything in my power to save up the next 2 years to make this dream a reality!  And I figure since there is sooooo much to see, 4 weeks (1 week for every decade waited for this trip) should be the perfect amount of time to see absolutely EVERYTHING without being rushed.  And Knox will be 3 so much better equipped for the long flight and the even longer days.  I can already imagine all the amazing photos I will get...oooh; so very to just make it happen!  Would love to hear about everyone's trips to any of these places and pointers of where to go, where to stay etc....anything and everything!  Help me plan Operation Gladiator!

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