Monday, April 16, 2012

Leave it to the technology world to now offer a lens kit for your iPhone 4!  Yes, you read correct...the people at Schneider Optics have developed the iPro Lens System which contains a fisheye and a wide-angle lens, even a pocket size lens case that houses the lenses when not in use, but also serves as a universal tripod mount and convenient grip!  When I first read this I seriously shook my head even though I own an iPhone as my 1st thought was "seriously"?  But then I went to the website and looked at the kit and now I have to admit....I want Santa to bring this for me but I do not want to wait for xmas.  I have been a pretty good girl so maaaaybe this could be a gift to myself in July for my bday, lol.  It's a gadget no doubt, it's new and cool and pertains to photography so I'm in!  So here is a shout out to the people at Schneider Optics, good job; and what will you think of next?!  And if you would like a iPhone 4 user and photographer in Alberta Canada to give a full review feel free to send one my way to demo ;)  If anyone would like to read all the details about this amazing little kit or order one (email me for my mailing address, I will accept a gift just this one time, lol) head over to

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