Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Apparently it is Wednesday??!!  It really feels like Monday though....Knox was not a happy camper this morning at all so he decided to delight my ears with about 2 hours of screaming/crying unless there was food in his mouth....finally got him down for a nap, fingers crossed it lasts at least another half hour or this day will pretty much be a complete write off, lol.  Then add in a headache with no Advil and Tassimo brewer on the fritz for day #2!  After 3 complete cycles is has not even given me a full cup of coffee!  Does this brewer does not realize it is messing with it's very own existence and the safety of others?! lol  Oh well, shall try again and hope for the best...maybe find some lunch while I'm at it before the wee on wakes up!  So who has checked out any of the sites I have linked to the right here?  Which ones have you been to and what do you think? 

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