Thursday, April 26, 2012

A post before bed?!  It has been a long day, my little man has not been feeling well and myself sleep has eluded me lately even though the little one has let me sleep though the night, go figure; sigh.  Since I have messed around with my new flas a bit tonight (SB-700 loving it), my tip would have to be the obvious.  Read your manuals people, then read then again, then play play play and the lovely Internet here is a wealth of information so, Google it!  You will be amazed at what you learn if you just take the time to read your manuals, play around with things and seek advice!  You are not the 1st person nor will you be the last with something new or needing a bit of instruction.  A day without learning something new is a day lost!
On a completely separate note, what does everyone think about common courtesy?  I am personally a BIG FAN of it, the whole Karma thing; respect!  They all go hand in hand and sadly most forget about it in day to day life but in the professional world, especially where you are the talent, driver, advertising/marketing guru and don't forget sales rep all in one (plus about 10 other hats) if you are say the "owner" of the company of at the very least your paycheck would depend on your direct work and involvement with someone, would you not give it 110% and have a bit of courtesy?  Can you tell I have a bee in my bonnet?  Bzzz bzzz bzzz!  This brings to mind 2 different situations!  Last year I got a call from a lady looking to have photos done in her home, it was a Saturday morning and it was November; I know this as it was hunting season and Knox and I were in the middle of a field driving Mark's truck around while he was out hunting Bambi...sorry kids :(  I did not answer my phone as I was trying to keep a then 4 month old Knox from bouncing right out of his car seat as I navigated through he field but once stopped checked my voicemail.  Her photographer had cancelled that morning a few hours before the shoot and she was looking for someone to come in that day.  I was about the 4th person she called and here is the kicker, even though I could not go on that day due to where I was; she held out until I could make it the following weekend just because I actually called her back and explained that I could not make it that day on the short notice!  Insert common courtesy here...3 other photographers lost the job and any future work for this family because they could not even return her call to just simply say they were otherwise engaged!  I could not imagine myself.  I feel AWFUL if I do not respond to someone within a few hours, same day at worst even if the wee one is having a bad day.  The other situation that came to mind was where I among other photographers were being interviewed for an upcoming job that was quite large.  I knew there were people seen before me and going to be people after me and I am hardly a world wide in demand professional raking in 6 figures so I was fully aware I had competition; no problem; can't win them all.  All the regular pleasantries were gone through during my interview about liking my work, my great ideas etc.  And I'm sure all the other photographers heard similar things, again no worries; we all have different styles and pricing.  I knew a decision would be made within a few weeks and expected to hear 1 way or the other, common courtesy people; only takes a split second.  I actual even emailed the "middle man" after interview as there was something I could add on so to speak to the package I had offered and also to thank the middle man and the people interviewing photographers for their time and the opportunity to meet with them.  A few weeks pass by and no response to my actual email or even a separate email asking to either meet again to move forward or thanks for your time but they hired someone else.  So me in my little pink bubble thinks maybe I still have a shot since I have not heard anything!  NOPE, cruising around on the Internet tonight I see some photos of the event; another photographer was awarded the job.  Congratulations to them by all means, the photos were fantastic and obviously the better choice for these people; no worries at all.  What got me in the "middle man" could not even respond to my email or just send a quick note; someone else got it but thanks.  Where is common and professional courtesy?  Everyone is busy, I get it; trust me I get it!  But just 2 minutes would go a very long way in extending some courtesy.  So whether you need to extend it in your personal life, return your dad's call for petes sake or professionally; let that person know they were not the chosen one...start tomorrow!  Have a great night everyone...I guess morning soon as it is almost midnight; yikes!

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