Saturday, April 14, 2012

Epic fail on an update yesterday...that is not a good way to start off!  I will make 1 million posts this weekend now to make up for it, I know you are now on the edge of seat awaiting these fantastic blog entries ;)  So yesterday I had to start looking at "finishing" paperwork off for taxes for the BF who is self employed and not the most organized with paperwork, throw in a baby brain bookkeeper and hello; panic on the paperwork.  But alas, pretty much done and off to H&R Block next week.  We both owe, this I know so no shopping/vacation returns coming this way :( thinks a good photography tip for today considering the snow (Calgary & area, surprise surprise) should be based around that; so here goes!  After all the posed shots are done, in true line of having fun and doing a lifestyle shoot....use that snow!  Make a snowman, have a snowball fight; these will make memorable photos you will always cherish!  A ton of snow is not required for photos to have a great effect using the snow as a backdrop.  In other words, no need to go look for a 2 foot high snowbank to sit in.  Have your photos taken on a pathway where the light snow is covering the grass and just the edges of the pathway.  Don't forget the props!  A bright colored umbrella, snowshoes; anything you can think of will add to the photo!

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