Monday, April 23, 2012

Hope everyone had a great weekend!  With the warm weather now here, hopefully to stay in the Calgary area; I start thinking about all the spring & summer photos I want to take before the cold returns in the fall!  The first thing that comes to mind is water....I use to have an amazing waterfall photo where the shutter speed was slowed right down so that the photo had that great effect where the water was almost frozen or appeared more like a painting then a photograph.  Sadly I do not have this anymore as I have lost a memory card with a trip to Banff on it and a bunch of my Equine photos.  Not a happy girl about the loss but I will just have to take more :)  So if you have ever wanted to get a photo like that, 1st thing is to get out your tripod or buy/borrow one for your camera.  You can not do this type of shot without a tripod.  For this effect the shutter speed must be slowed down to AT LEAST 1 second and you can play with it from there and take several photos at different shutter speeds so that you are sure to get at least 1 pic you love with this effect.  Just please do not try it without the tripod, you will be disappointed.  It is imposable for even a SURGEON to stand and keep hands 100% completely still for this longer exposure.  So get your camera, tripod and head out and get some shots, I know I am going to.  If you like, email me your photos and I will post some of them here on the blog wall to see a few of the ones submitted.  Just be sure when you email the photo to also include a few bits of info like the camera, lens (if applicable) and shutter speed used and the name of course you would like credited to the photo.  Email photos this week to

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