Monday, April 16, 2012

So earlier today when I was meeting with Brenda at Gold Standard events with Knox in tow, all was going well....then Knox (the little man he is already) started passing gas.  Knox is a particularly stinky boy, lol so it was not the best time in a closed in area for this.  Then just when I thought we were in the clear, it hit me; he not only passed gas but filled his diaper!  Again, thought I was in the clear as we had already dealt with a similar diaper this morning before leaving home.  Babies are babies, everyone knows that but lets just say I hope Brenda has a sense of humor and A) did not think I passed gas and B) did not have a meeting right after as I'm not sure the air would have cleared quickly, lol.  I had to take the evidence with me as there was no way I was leaving that diaper in a waste basket not my own and in just a few short moments my truck was in need of a new air freshener!  So Brenda, if you are reading this...sorry about Knox's passing gas in your office and even more sorry if you had another meeting right after! lol

Now, for the "photography" stuff.....

Just had a fabulous light bulb moment this afternoon for the next contest for another free 30min. mini shoot!  It will enable me to do a shoot I have been dying to do and give 1 lucky lady a free 30min. photo shoot complete with all edited photos from shoot on a disc!  Just have to figure out the location and get approval then I will announce the details of how to enter and what the shoot will consist of!!!  Stay tuned.....if the wee one takes a nap today I just may be able to post details today!!!

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