Wednesday, April 11, 2012

So yesterday I had the opportunity of taking a few photos of a recent contest winner, Nicola.  The contest on Christina Bethlehem Photography was submit your worst photo in an email and advise why you "deserve" a free mini shoot.  Nicola, one of the winners submitted a photo from about 2 years ago right before she went on her personal journey of loosing weight and more importantly; getting healthy and feeling great.  Nicola without a doubt can be an insperation to ALL!  Nicola continues to live healthy and look fabulous every single day.  In her journey she has already lost OVER 100+ pounds.  In addition to all the obvious health benefits and enjoying life with her children, Nicola also wanted to reach a personal goal of getting in to a pair of the ever so coveted True Religion Jeans...

So yesterday we took some shots for her free mini session, which I quickly labeled "True Religion Meet's True Ambition".  Check out this before shot and a photo from yesterday.  Truly an inspiration to ANYONE wanting to get fit, healthy and look FABULOUS!  Way to go Nicola!!!!  To see the rest of the photos of Nicola from yesterday head over to my photography site

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