Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Well I have dropped off the face of the earth!  Did you miss me?  Wait, don't answer that! lol  I had a busy busy weekend...hired Thursday for a Saturday wedding which was great even though mother nature refused to let us get even one outdoor photo so we improvised with Kane's Harley Diner, an Art Gallery and the Bentley and Aston Martin dealership so some variety to say the least!  So I have been tucked away editing and hopefully will be done by next week....so fingers crossed for a 8-9 day turn around on wedding photos!  On a seperate note, almost every day I am asked if I have a website in addition to this Blog and my Facebook Page and the answer is no...but there will be very soon!  I think with not having an actual website that would show up in search engines I am missing out on potential customers so I have joined the dark side and have started designing a website.  I use the term "designing" very lightly as quite frankly I have no idea what I am doing but by no means in a position to pay to have a 3rd party build one for me so it will have to do until I win the lotto.  Depending on how the little man is as far as happy vs. cranky, I am hoping to have it "live" this week sometime and of course if I can figure out what I'm doing, lol.  The typing in my info, putting links to here and Fb are easy...where I am going to get a bit stumped is doing the meta tags/keyword's etc. for the search engine.  Can I not just have one amazing catch phrase that every single person in the general Calgary area would type in if looking for a photographer? lol  Must have radio stations start playing subliminal messages "Christina Bethlehem Photography" for the listeners "Christina Bethlehem Photography" to hear while they enjoy the music "Christina Bethlehem Photography" so that when they sit at the computer they just type in my company name!  I wonder.... ;)  On that note, hope everyone is FABULOUS so I am going to try and do a few more mins. work on the website and TRY to be asleep by 11:30 as the little man rises early and...I'm meeting a Bride tomorrow :)

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