Saturday, May 26, 2012

Happy Saturday everyone!  And tis' the season to wish all the Grad's out there a congrats on your 1st major milestone into adulthood!  Enjoy your grads ceremonies, have a blast at your banquet and please be safe while having your fun this weekend or whatever weekend your grad is!  You have your whole future ahead of you so have your wobbly pops if you so choose just make sure you have a DD :)
On a different note, I finished editing S & E's May 5th wedding photos last night, woohoo.  The disc is burned and ready to go in the on to Erin's TTD photos.  Maybe not until tonight though...busy day with some housework and then a bday party this afternoon.  And I may have to swing by the annual Carseland Take It or Leave It today when the little man has had his morning nap...which may be a bit as I can hear him playing in his crib still and not napping!
With finishing S & E's wedding photos, I made a collage of some of the photos I took of their YUMMY desserts from the reception and have realized maybe food photography could be another route for me to add.....I don't think they turned out half bad for never photographing food before!  And I'm sure there are lots of smaller business owners that could use some great photos for menus/websites without getting a bank loan to have a photographer come in so I may have to look in to that....

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