Thursday, May 3, 2012

About a week or so ago I wrote a little something about professional courtesy as I had a bee in my bonnet about something.  This morning I just learned that the sheer lack of personal/professional courtesy is far more wide spread then I even imagined!  I advertise on Kijiji, it's free; why not?!  I also go through the looking for ad's as well...never know right?  Today was just one of those mornings or right place right time for me I guess.  There was an ad looking for a wedding photographer as there usually is every few days.  Some I respond to, others I do not if they do not seem like a good fit.  This one caught my eye, the wedding is this weekend; yes 48 hours from now.  So to make a long story short a photographer was booked and as the big day approaches, the bride is of course trying to get every last detail sorted out; crazy huh?  Wanting to make sure everything for one of the biggest day's of your life is going to go as planned!  Well, no response from photographer; at all.  So my understanding is a web page was visited and that is how the bride found out that something has come up health wise and the photographer is not working at this time.  I truly hope the photographer is okay but, here is my "beef".  Where was the courtesy call/email/text/carrier pigeon if necessary to advise your customers of this?  I do not think a general website comment is sufficient, to me that more informs people looking to hire you; not people that have already booked your services!  So if there was time or a person able to update the website, could they not have contacted people that were already booked?  Especially a wedding?  Family photos can always get done another weekend as can most photos but a wedding?  I was shocked to hear this story to say the in short....hope the photographer is okay, feel awful this bride had to go through this just 48hrs before wedding, yaaay for me; I had nothing booked this Saturday as I was getting my hair done now I'm shooting a wedding (hair Sunday now) and people PLEASE.....courtesy, courtesy, courtesy!!!  It really goes a long way and in some cases is just the right thing to do, PERIOD.  Okay, now back to scouting out locations for this wedding Saturday!!!!

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