Tuesday, May 1, 2012

So out and about today I found another great old barn, pretty much obsessed with old barns!  But they just look great so how can I not be?!  Anyhow, the way I edited this photo tonight....the second I was done I looked up at my screen and the photo just screams CD Jacket to me!  Now since it was taken in Alberta, 1st band naturally that comes to mind is Nickelback of course; so I even shared it on the Nickelback Facebook page ;0  Who knows...maybe their people will call my people (Knox, my baby) and offer ludicrous amounts of royalty money to use it for their next album cover; which I have also named for them so it fits the photo of course!  My photo for the CD Jacket and the album should be called "Home Again"!  Can you see the vision???  All the boys have to do is write the songs during this tour spend some time in the studio late 2012 early 2013 and voila...new CD, lol.  So tell me what you think!!!!  I am dying to hear at least 1 person agree with me!!!  On a slight side bar...guess who has tickets to the show in Calgary in just a few weeks??? Hehehehe, just a tad excited event though I will miss my little man more than anything being out that night.

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