Thursday, May 3, 2012 you know 2 of the top wedding trends for 2012? The 1st is your venue...many brides are going away from the typical hotel/golf course reception venue and opting for a ranch or farm that has a lovely barn to accommodate a full reception! This is no longer just something a country bumpkin does; it's catching on for brides everywhere. There are lots of places that specialize in using thier facility (barn) for weddings and other gatherings but you would be surprised if you just ask around how easy it may be to find a private one with just a bit of hard work and word of mouth. As long as the structure is sound, you may be able to get the farmer down the road to let you use his property in exchange for you and your helpers just clearing and cleaning it out! Make sure the owner gets an invite to your reception and by all means; even if they were kind enough to not charge you; show your appreciation in some way. After many thousands of $'s did you save by not renting out a hotel conference/banquet room?

The other trend is in dresses.....long sleeves and lace are making a huge come back this year. Elegant and classic lines accompany the in high demand gowns this year. Kate Middleton and the latest Twilight movie are said the big the biggest influence for this new trend. Now here is where I have to insert an does an elegant beautiful well educated now Royal get put in the same classification as the Twilight movies??? Sorry Kate Middleton but unless you are a fan (please do not be a fan) this is bordering on insulting to your classic taste. I will stop there before I loose 300+ fans with my Twilight opinions, they are just that; my to each their own! Just shocking those two could be responsible for the same trend?!

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