Saturday, May 26, 2012

I'm sure you are all familiar with QR codes, if you are not by chance....they are those little square UPC codes that you see popping up everywhere.....newspapers, magazines, business cards etc.  They are a GREAT way for a business to advertise either a line of text or take someone directly to the company website.  Why is this better than a typical ad in my opinion?  Let me tell you....for starters, they can be as big or small as you like so you can place an ad much cheaper then a typical text and image ad.  All you do is put the QR code in as the ad, everyone pretty much has a smart phone so they just scan it and presto; they get the ad you want them to read or are taken directly to your website; just like that!  So less expensive advertising is a good start!  The next great thing about QR codes, you can make them yourself online for FREE.  Yup, FREE and it takes about 30 seconds to generate one then you just either print, email or save it to your computer.  I made all of mine last night in less than 5 minutes for 4 QR codes; it took me longer to get my printer to print.  There are ton's of places on the web but the one that I used, and HIGHLY recommend is it is completely FREE, there is no hidden now that you have made your QR code please send us your 1st born to get it and here is my favorite can pick the color of your QR code so I have a nice selection of pink & purple ones naturally!  And talk about easy...I would have done this months ago if I knew how easy.  A 4 year old that knows how to spell and type could do it!  The last and most important reason in my opinion why QR codes are a great way to advertise....humans are curious by nature, period!  The busiest person in the world will take a split second more often then not to scan one because you just never know what is behind that just may be exactly what you have been looking for and only takes a second.  So with this method of advertising you do not only have to put the QR on a business card or in a print ad, I am going to print these puppies off and put them on bulletin boards, community websites and absolutely anywhere I can put up a piece of paper!  I can't wait to see the amount of traffic that makes it's way to my website, FB Pages and Blog here just based on human curiosity.  Many people will just shut down the browser when they realize it is not something they are interested in but I will still get the initial traffic and therefore with the numbers game have more people actually reading about my services in general and many of the scanners in smart phones saves the web history so even when they shut the browser down; my website is saved until they purge so at a later date they may end up back there again!
So with all that are my 4 QR codes that I made last night completely free; and yes you can even scan them right from here on your computer monitor!  So go ahead, you know you want to!

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