Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Okay.....day 1 of the 100 things that are fabulous begins now!  I just stumbled across this and have a feeling MANY will agree; this is fabulous!
The Patron Social Club!  You join it, and map your epic summer...of course while enjoying Patron!  I can only imagine the amount of places that will be mapped out this summer and the cool places that will all unfold in every ones travels this summer.  Myself, I can't do the takillya'....far to old and like most a few "bad experiences", lol....Once upon a time when I was younger and long before the day's of my little man Knox there was one night in particular where after polishing off my vodka (paralyzers) I was still ready to go...so in to the pantry I stumbled and found a glorious bottle of takillya' not even opened...polished that off as well.  To this day I can not drink it myself and it is nothing short of a miracle I did not need to get my stomach pumped! lol
So go join the Patron Social Club and start mapping your epic summer!  Feel free to share your takillya' stories here by commenting on this post!
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