Friday, June 8, 2012

100 Things That Are Fabulous - Day 4
Bridesmaids & MOH's that understand it is not THEIR day!
I may take a bit of heat on this one but that is a risk I will take!  With the "Friday Bride Day" on TLC it is becoming more and more apparent that there are sooooo many bridesmaids and MOH's that seem to easily forget this is not about them!  They think that the dress for example should be what they want!  I understand that if your girls are paying for their own dress you want to be respectful of their taste and budget but I don't know to many brides that go out of their way to bankrupt their wedding party or make them look hideous!  The bride is the center of attention by all means but she hardly has waited her whole life for this day to have people laughing at the girls dresses or pay a photographer a kings ransom for photos she will hide because the girls dresses are ugly!  If the bride is absolutely picking something that is waaaay out of your budget (and please have this talk before the big shopping day) just politely let her know that it is not in your budget without starving your baby so you would be more than happy to bow out or help her look again another day for something similar but less expensive.  Unless the bride is a true "Bridezilla" she wants you in her wedding party and she wants you to be happy but it is her day!  Your day will come and keep in mind Karma is a B*%#h!  If you try to hi-jack the brides day by being unreasonable, demanding you get what you want and overall just being difficult keep in mind; you are not making any friends with this behaviour, your are stressing out your friend the bride perhaps because you are jealous it's not your wedding and when you day just may have a Bridesmaidzilla that makes your life hell and sends you running to apologize to your friend!

Some basic Bridesmaid/MOH etiquette...

1. You are there for moral support
2. Help out/plan the bridal shower
3. Helping choose everything from girls gowns to brides shoes
4. Be there for her on the Wedding Day in EVERY WAY!!!  The bride should not have to be running around looking for people & organizing things!  This is up to the wedding planner and if there is not one; you are on TEAM BRIDE!  Make it happen so she is not stressed out about the flower girl crying, the groom spilling something on his tux....if you girls need extra help, RECRUIT anyone; but not the bride.  Put on your big girl panties and get things moving!

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