Thursday, June 7, 2012

100 Things That Are Fabulous - Day 3
Sex and the City re-runs!
Yes this one is in fact targeted for the ladies (not that some men don't enjoy SATC) they just would never admit it in public I am sure.  It does not matter how many years the show has been off the air or how many times you have seen an episode, it is still hands down my favorite show!  Almost any female 20+ has not only seen the TV shows and/or one of the movies but likely can relate to one of the characters!  You know exactly what I am talking and your girlfriends may cross over in to a few characters or change over the years but at some point there was a time where you and your girlfriends could relate 100% to a particular character.  Back in the pre-Knox and single days years ago my friend Pam would have been Charlotte, Krissy without a doubt was Carrie and well; I may have had a Samantha trait or two.  We really had no identifiable friend as Miranda but we all did have some of Miranda's no nonsense traits so it all balanced out well.
A surprise party for Krissy one year was actually a SATC theme party and it was a blast.  She was surprised to say the least and everyone looked fabulous.  Most of the boyfriends even participated and dressed up like Big, Steve or just something else that fit with a male metro-sexual look.  All this @ Ranchman's did get us a few looks from all the cowboy folk, lol
So, do you LOVE SATC?  Are you excited about the rumors of a 3rd movie installment?  I can't wait for another movie myself and hope there is one, and soon!
Here are a few of my favorite quotes from the fabulous characters!

Samantha Jones

“I can’t color enough, I would color all day every day If I had my way, I would use every crayon in my box.”

Carrie Bradshaw

“I like my money where I can see it, hanging in my closet.”

Charlotte York

“Could you please not use the F-word in Vera Wang?”

Miranda Hobbes

“I’m fine… but Charlotte, maybe your “hmmm hmmm” would like an order of fries?"

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