Friday, June 8, 2012

100 Things That Are Fabulous - Day 4
Bridesmaids & MOH's that understand it is not THEIR day!
I may take a bit of heat on this one but that is a risk I will take!  With the "Friday Bride Day" on TLC it is becoming more and more apparent that there are sooooo many bridesmaids and MOH's that seem to easily forget this is not about them!  They think that the dress for example should be what they want!  I understand that if your girls are paying for their own dress you want to be respectful of their taste and budget but I don't know to many brides that go out of their way to bankrupt their wedding party or make them look hideous!  The bride is the center of attention by all means but she hardly has waited her whole life for this day to have people laughing at the girls dresses or pay a photographer a kings ransom for photos she will hide because the girls dresses are ugly!  If the bride is absolutely picking something that is waaaay out of your budget (and please have this talk before the big shopping day) just politely let her know that it is not in your budget without starving your baby so you would be more than happy to bow out or help her look again another day for something similar but less expensive.  Unless the bride is a true "Bridezilla" she wants you in her wedding party and she wants you to be happy but it is her day!  Your day will come and keep in mind Karma is a B*%#h!  If you try to hi-jack the brides day by being unreasonable, demanding you get what you want and overall just being difficult keep in mind; you are not making any friends with this behaviour, your are stressing out your friend the bride perhaps because you are jealous it's not your wedding and when you day just may have a Bridesmaidzilla that makes your life hell and sends you running to apologize to your friend!

Some basic Bridesmaid/MOH etiquette...

1. You are there for moral support
2. Help out/plan the bridal shower
3. Helping choose everything from girls gowns to brides shoes
4. Be there for her on the Wedding Day in EVERY WAY!!!  The bride should not have to be running around looking for people & organizing things!  This is up to the wedding planner and if there is not one; you are on TEAM BRIDE!  Make it happen so she is not stressed out about the flower girl crying, the groom spilling something on his tux....if you girls need extra help, RECRUIT anyone; but not the bride.  Put on your big girl panties and get things moving!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

100 Things That Are Fabulous - Day 3
Sex and the City re-runs!
Yes this one is in fact targeted for the ladies (not that some men don't enjoy SATC) they just would never admit it in public I am sure.  It does not matter how many years the show has been off the air or how many times you have seen an episode, it is still hands down my favorite show!  Almost any female 20+ has not only seen the TV shows and/or one of the movies but likely can relate to one of the characters!  You know exactly what I am talking and your girlfriends may cross over in to a few characters or change over the years but at some point there was a time where you and your girlfriends could relate 100% to a particular character.  Back in the pre-Knox and single days years ago my friend Pam would have been Charlotte, Krissy without a doubt was Carrie and well; I may have had a Samantha trait or two.  We really had no identifiable friend as Miranda but we all did have some of Miranda's no nonsense traits so it all balanced out well.
A surprise party for Krissy one year was actually a SATC theme party and it was a blast.  She was surprised to say the least and everyone looked fabulous.  Most of the boyfriends even participated and dressed up like Big, Steve or just something else that fit with a male metro-sexual look.  All this @ Ranchman's did get us a few looks from all the cowboy folk, lol
So, do you LOVE SATC?  Are you excited about the rumors of a 3rd movie installment?  I can't wait for another movie myself and hope there is one, and soon!
Here are a few of my favorite quotes from the fabulous characters!

Samantha Jones

“I can’t color enough, I would color all day every day If I had my way, I would use every crayon in my box.”

Carrie Bradshaw

“I like my money where I can see it, hanging in my closet.”

Charlotte York

“Could you please not use the F-word in Vera Wang?”

Miranda Hobbes

“I’m fine… but Charlotte, maybe your “hmmm hmmm” would like an order of fries?"

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

A "newer" trend for brides is a Trash The Dress session, which I personally LOVE photographing!  So with doing a recent grad session for 28 grads last week, it occurred to me; why not start a new trend...Trash The Dress for Grads!
What young girl would not love to get all dolled up again and get some amazing photos one more time in her grad gown without worrying about getting a "little dirty"?!
So there you have it, who wants to be the 1st to help me start a new Trash The Dress trend???

100 Things That Are Fabulous - Day 2
The Internet!  Seriously, can anyone even imagine not having the Internet at their disposal from their PC, tablet or smart phone?  Are you looking a recipe to match the few ingredients you have in the house to avoid running to the store?  Maybe you want to look up if a new food is okay to give to baby at the certain age!  Planning a wedding or party of any type....find decorating tips, DIY favours for next to no cost, use online social media outlets like FB to invite people without making a single phone call or wasting tons on postage & stationary!  There literally is nothing you can not find on the Internet and more likely you will find things you were not even looking for!
There are very few people that could go a full 24 hours without using something to do with the Internet and practically none under the age of 70 that could go a full week!
I am on constantly whether it is updating my ad's on Kijiji, uploading photos to my photography website or FB page, just surfing for something in general or even if there is no "work" to be done, just killing time.
Most people in their 20's and even those right around 30 likely have very little recollection of what home PC's and the Internet were like 20 years ago.  It is amazing how much has changed!  You can do 1000% more now from your phone the size of a business card then you could 20 years ago from your PC and dial up!  So who remembers their 1st computer and the early days of the Internet?  What do you love about the net' now?  Share your stories by commenting on this blog post :)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012 1 of the 100 things that are fabulous begins now!  I just stumbled across this and have a feeling MANY will agree; this is fabulous!
The Patron Social Club!  You join it, and map your epic summer...of course while enjoying Patron!  I can only imagine the amount of places that will be mapped out this summer and the cool places that will all unfold in every ones travels this summer.  Myself, I can't do the takillya'....far to old and like most a few "bad experiences", lol....Once upon a time when I was younger and long before the day's of my little man Knox there was one night in particular where after polishing off my vodka (paralyzers) I was still ready to in to the pantry I stumbled and found a glorious bottle of takillya' not even opened...polished that off as well.  To this day I can not drink it myself and it is nothing short of a miracle I did not need to get my stomach pumped! lol
So go join the Patron Social Club and start mapping your epic summer!  Feel free to share your takillya' stories here by commenting on this post!
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I completely forgot to share the link to the friends blog.  DUH!
Guaranteed to make you laugh so be sure to check it out daily!
So an old friend of mine with a great sense of haha has recently started a "blog" of 1000 things that can f* really is very entertaining and I can easily see myself doing something like that.  However, this is a "PG" site and about all things photography & fabulous so I am going to "steal" his idea (thanks Carson) and do my own mini version. 
So let today be the 1st official day of "100 things that are FABULOUS" sure to check in every day as who knows what could be the fabulous thing for the day!
The wee man is about to find himself some trouble down the hall so will have to leave you hanging on what will be the 1st entry of "100 things that are fabulous" until a bit later today!